Mission: The Kreateabuzz Documentary Films LLC team of filmmakers, activists and content producers position ourselves as Black Boston On Films and create films that give voice to the disenfranchised and under-resourced Black and Brown populations in the United States. Our selective intent is to illuminate stories that have been virtually ignored or marginalized and then foster opportunities for dialogue, understanding and compassion between people from different communities and diverse lived experiences. We’re committed to creating a compassionate space for this testimony and thereby humanize people who are otherwise stereotyped and feared, due to rampant cultural distortion. We aim to include content that educates, entertains, inspires and stirs audiences, public officials and business leaders to contribute time, funds and/or other resources to initiatives that address the fundamental issues depicted through national distribution of our films and private/public film screenings. The company was established in 2007 by Rudy G. Hypolite & Dennis G. Wilson.

If you are interested in supporting the work of Kreateabuzz Documentary Films, our non-profit fiscal sponsor enables tax deductible donations.


EMAIL: Kreateabuzzfilms@gmail.com

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: KreateabuzzDocFilms

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